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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Flat Stanley Visits the One and Only New York City!

My kid got one of those Flat Stanley assignments. (For those asking "What is Flat Stanley?" it is a class project when kids are given a "Flat Stanley" to mail to a friend or family member in another city so Stanley can experience life there and report back on his time visiting a far-away land. It is based on the 1964 children's book called (you guessed it!) Flat Stanley.) 

Our Flat Stanley traveled from the suburban countryside of New Jersey to the urban fairytale that is the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Flat Stanley returned with a trove of photos of everywhere from Arthur Avenue in the Bronx to Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village.

I share with you now my favorite photo of Stanley on the town:

Thank you so much to Stanley's hosts for showing him such a good time, New York City style.

Have you ever participated in a Flat Stanley project? Where did your Stanley visit?


  1. Looks like Flat Stanley is having fun like I wish I was!

  2. How much trouble are you going to get into for giving Flat Stanley an alcoholic beverage? lol ;)

  3. Flat Stanley does seem to get around the country and the world!

  4. I remember my kids doing the Flat Stanley project when they were younger. Our Flat Stanleys didn't travel to as cool of a place as New York City, but it was a fun project nonetheless. Looks like your Flat Stanley had a rockin' good time!

  5. I was the one who was visited once by Flat Stanley! We took him everywhere with us. Sent lots of pics back.

    I think it was last year, when the Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley cup, the Sun Times included a "Flat Stanley Cup" for fans to take around with them. My aunt is an avid fan, so I met Flat Stanley Cup, too.

  6. I have to admit that I'm looking forward to "Flat Stanley" projects with my kids. We have cousins in Germany who will be forced to play along.

  7. Haha! Love Flat Stanley! Looks like yours had a much better time than ours did ;)

  8. This is so cute! Flat Stanley has a wild side!


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