Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rockin' the Bump - Hitchcock Style

I'm not a big fan of having my photo taken in general, and certainly not when I'm pregnant. But I knew my son would one day want to see a picture of me pregnant with him, so I agreed to this one:

I'm at the beach in Delaware, 7 months pregnant with my third kid (the other two are ages three and five at the time), and very annoyed with my husband for being at his brother's bachelor party in Las Vegas - but I bet that's already obvious from the picture.

Thanks to Shell at Things I Can't Say for hosting this very fun Rockin' the Bump linky, I love seeing everyone's preggers pics!


A Mommy in the City said...

This is a beautiful shot!!

Anna ~ Random Handprints said...

thanks! it was all i was willing to document, better then nothing i guess!

Tayarra said...

Awe, that shadow does have some attitude!

Varda said...

Great shadow bump! (Wish I were at the beach right now)

Jamie said...

What a great idea! Early on, I thought about doing a maternity shoot but at 31 weeks I now want nothing to do with a camera!

Gabby said...

What a cute picture! Glad you decided to do it.
Gabby - Customized Family/Nanny Matching Service, serving the Tri-State area,

MommaKiss said...

Oh, I love the way this came out!

Shell said...

That is a fun pic!

Sarah at The Stroller Ballet said...

I love this picture!! How unique! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea! I am not big on having my picture taken either.

Elizabeth-FlourishInProgress said...

you are rocking that baby bump somethin' fierce. Also, totally can see how miffed you are about the whole Vegas thing. =)

Liz Mays said...

That is such a cool picture! Yep, I can see the ticked off in this.

Poppy said...

Naw, there was no middle finger in the shadow :) I love this picture, very cool.

Unknown said...

I love the shadow picture.

Mommy Shorts said...

Love the pic! I have no pictures of myself pregnant either. I think there is one of me at my sister's bridal shower but on a non-pregnant day, my sister is half my size, so you can only imagine what it looked like when I was seven months pregnant. HORIFYING. No link-up for me!

Mommy Shorts said...

More horrifying? The fact that I spelled "HORRIFYING" wrong.

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