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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Obligatory Passover Pictures

Monday night was the first night of the eight-night holiday of Passover. We had a great time at our seder, spending it with my brother and his new bride, and our very dear friends who were nice enough to not only lead the seder but to also bring the best apple kugel I've ever eaten.

For those of you who celebrate, the scenes below will look familiar. For those who don't, this is Passover...

Brisket fresh from Citarella in Manhattan, ready to cook:

Toddler eating matzoh:

Seder Plate:

Children noshing gefilte fish before the guests arrive:

And of course, what seder could be complete without guests dressed-up like plagues:

Chag Sameach Pesach!


  1. I really don't know much about passover but it definitely looks like it was lots of fun!

  2. My knowledge of Passover is extremely limited, but I must say that it appears that your family had a wonderful time!

  3. Seems like you guys are throughly enjoying Passover. Cheers!

  4. I've always gone to vegetarian Seders, but I don't remember celery being there. Good fiber addition! And I love the plague masks - very cool.

  5. It really does look like you had a good time and thanks for the captions! New follower from Live and Love Out Loud :)

  6. I'm glad you let us get a peek! The kids seem to LOVE that gefilte fish...those faces are hilarious! :)

  7. @mutterschwester celery is often boiled potato or parsley depending on where you seder, but the biggest change for us this year was that I did decide to add the orange!

  8. I lOVE kugel - that is one dish that needs to go mainstream.

    It sounds like a nice time with the family.


  9. Looks like a good time with family. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Great Passover pics!
    I believe I just completed my 105th and 106th seders this week!
    I remembered when I thought no one would grow up in time to take the saying of the 4 questions from me!

  11. I am now craving kugel. :) It looks like a time that will be remembered.

  12. ok, i see two comments pro-kugel, i think @nycsinglemom is right it's time to bring that dish mainstream!

  13. Sounds like you had a great Passover.


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