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Friday, April 15, 2011

Three Great Passover Desserts

Passover will be here on Monday. Which means, I'll be cooking between now and then (even on Shabbos, but shhh about that).

I always make the matzoh ball soup ahead of time, as well as a side dish or two. I also make sure my Passover plates and Seder plate are ready to go. And my tablecloth. Where did my "fancy" one go?

This year for Passover I'm also going to make some desserts ahead of time. Passover desserts used to be the brunt of holiday jokes, but today there are so many yummy options.

In researching Passover for an article on Momtrends, I read about a tradition dating back to the '80s (1980s that is) to add an orange to the Seder Plate to represent groups often left out of mainstream Judaism.

I'm not sure if the purists I celebrate Passover with would be ok with adding an orange to the traditional Seder Plate, so I thought instead I'll sneak it in with an orange-themed dessert. I'm planning to make the Food Networks Chocolate Orange Mousse from the Barefoot Contessa as well as this Passover Orange Sponge Cake:
From DianasDesserts.com
And last, there is always the traditional macaroon for dessert. No recipe is better then Mark Bittman's Ultimate Minimalist Macaroon. Using just five ingredients, these were a treat to make with my daughters using my Mom's secret-stolen recipe:

Happy Passover! Do you have a favorite holiday recipe? Please leave a link and share in the comments below!


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