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Sunday, March 13, 2011

The wedding - from my shoes point of view

This weekend my brother, and now sister-in-law, were wed. It was a wonderful wedding complete with a beautiful bride and a dashing groom, a gorgeous setting, and much joy, laughter and fun all around.

The event was also a much appreciated time for loads of family and friends to see each other again - some who hadn't been together in years, or even decades. (Memo to self: don't wait so long to get together again!)

And for me - I had the added happiness that my shoes didn't make my feet ache all night.

I had planned to wear these:

Unfortunately, I didn't realize that with my all-mom, all-the-time lifestyle these shoes were harder to walk in then I had recalled from my out-all-night, all-the-time lifestyle when I wore heels like this without a thought.

So, I went with these fun but lower heeled alternatives pictured on the left. My daughter went with the cute shoes on the right. All was good, until...

... I realized my seven-year-old daughter and I were wearing heels that were the same height.

And suddenly, I felt very old.

Both pairs of my shoes are from Poetic License. My mom got them for me from their Soho store, which I highly recommend visiting if you're in New York City. It's tons of fun, and it's rare to find shoes this pretty that are this comfy, too.

1 comment:

  1. nothing wrong with wearing mom shoes as long as they are cute mom shoes!


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