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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

More Random Handprints for you and me!

Have you ever wondered what I do in my spare time besides write endless posts about my beloved collections, my in-need-of-instructions husband, and my adorable brood?

Let me be honest - despite a full schedule of laundry, craft supply organizing and second-grade homework, I have found myself with some extra time of late. So, I have started writing elsewhere besides my dear ol blog. That's right, the Random Handprints empire is growing!

You can now find me writing at the ever-stylish Momtrends - my first post is A Guide to Celebrating Purim... in Style with lots of fun ideas for a chag sameach with your family.

I'm also contributing to ShePosts, an incredible resource which covers the latest news from all over the mom blogosphere. My first post looked at how Toy Fair Tightens Reigns on Press Credentials for Bloggers. And today, I wrote about how a Blogger Campaigns to Stop the R-Word.

I am excited for the opportunity to contribute to these two great sites that I have long-admired and oft-read, and am yet again amazed at the wonderful opportunities that this blog has brought my way.

Now, if I could only get the hang of second-grade homework...


  1. thanks for the congrats and even bigger thanks for taking the pledge, we all should pledge to take the pledge!


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.