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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

My kids are celebrating by coloring leprechauns and taking an after-school trip to the local ice cream parlor.

At first I said, "Why would we get ice cream for St Patrick's Day? That's not exactly Irish."

They replied, as if I had never celebrated St. Patrick's Day before in my whole entire life (uh, kids - you do know I lived in Boston for six years, right? In my twenties?), "we'll get green ice cream."

OK, then. St. Patrick's Day ice cream it is.

I'm also insisting on making an Irish dinner, and I will once again be using the inspired holiday recipes from If You Can Make That You Can Make This - Colcannon Cakes and Irish Soda Bread. Mmmm.

1 comment:

  1. Alas, this year St. Patrick's day seemed to quietly pass me by. The kids have been up for four hours, though, and so far, no one has mentioned that the leprechaun didn't come...perhaps I'll escape unscathed?


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