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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

(Not so) Wordless Wednesday - Two Ways of Looking at a Snow Storm

When we get a big winter snow (or even worse, the dreaded wintry mix) this is what I see:

Our car needing to be dug out.

Our roof, with snow that needs to be removed from it.
Our gutters, which may (or may not) be suffering from ice damming.

And my daughter, Kay, this is what she sees:

Tunnels that need to be dug.

Hair that needs to be styled in snow-locks.

 Angels that need to be made.

What about you? Does winter weather bring out your inner-kid or your inner-grouch?


  1. Oh my! We've had more snow than I've ever seen in Atlanta this year but nothing like that. I do not envy you digging out that car!!

  2. I can do without the snow.
    Meanwhile, my son would marry it if he could!
    These kids crack me up, they just love to throw themselves on it!
    happy WW!

  3. YAY for looking at it a happy way! You know it was a high for the kids!

  4. Awesome invention: "garage." Solves the whole digging out the car thing. Try employing it and see if I'm not right!

  5. We had a storm (SC so it was fun) and I followed her lead ;)


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