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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

(Not so) Wordless Wednesday - Saying Goodbye to My Brother's Lower East Side Bachelor Pad

My brother Ethan (he blogs too!) is moving to Brooklyn. Leaving his Lower East Side apartment of well-over a decade. We decided to take the kids for one last visit to Rivington Street last weekend.

Here's a rare family photo taken outside his building:

Yes, I'm using the baby to block me.
There are a lot of wonderful things about Ethan's apartment, like the hand-decorated ceiling:

but I'm guessing he won't miss the view.

Or the four flights of stairs.

He may also miss his neighbors directly to his right, and to his left.  But I'm guessing you can get those things in Brooklyn, too.

P.S. Don't forget my super fun giveaway for Super Fun Puzzle Valentines from Peaceable Kingdom Press ends tonight! Enter now!


  1. Thanks for linking up!

    I could never live in NYC, too many people and too noisy :)

    Dagmar's momsense

  2. Long live Brooklyn. He'll love my favorite Borough.

  3. Aw, thanks sis. But I'm happy to be moving to a place where they let you smoke in the front doorway! -- l.e.s.ter-in-exile

  4. Hello,

    I found your blog through a simple Google search. I like your blog a lot. I have a blog as well that posts free events New Yorkers can go to each day. We're a team just trying to help New Yorkers save money in any way possible.

    I was wondering if you wanted to exchange links so we can spread some traffic around between each other. If you would like to, feel free to add my link to your site and leave me a comment on my site so I can do the same as well.

    Thank you and keep up the good work!


  5. Aaaah, moving from the good old bachelor pad, eh? I'm sure my DH can shed a tear of empathy for him, hahaha!

    Happy WW!


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