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Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bestest Show on Earth - The Pee-wee Herman Show on Broadway

Not that I expected anything less, but The Pee-wee Herman Show on Broadway was the bestest show in the whole Globey world.  And I'm not just saying that because Pee-wee gave me my very first best-ever super-duper post modern autograph.

I had the very good fortune of seeing the show (which was also a historic taping for an HBO special airing in Spring 2011) with my online acquaintance and now real-life friend Jill from Glamamom, which made good times even more fun. We also had the incredible luck of sitting next to two hilarious and uber-knowledgeable Pee-wee aficionados who gave us all the inside trivia, gossip and insights about Paul Reubens, and just about every other character past and present who might ever have been associated now or sometime in the future with Pee-wee, his playhouse, or even the playhouse's playhouse.  I have never been so sorry not to have gotten someone's email before, especially since these two fans from Washington, D.C. were the reason I was blessed with the finest accomplishment of my adult life - an @PeeWeeHerman retweet. (Yes, I know his PR company probably wrote it, I'm not totally naive.)

The show is pure delight and Pee-wee giddiness. I loved everything about it, especially the happy childhood memories it kindled from seeing the cartoon Penny after all these years, to listening to the wondrously clangy C-C-C-Conky. And Miss Yvonne? She hasn't aged a bit. Still the prettiest woman in Puppetland by far.

The best part for someone like me who loves everything about show business? The behind-the-scenes takes and re-takes and jokes Pee-wee made (always in character) after the show ended.

Pure magic.

Disclaimer: I won free tickets to see the show via a Twitter Contest. I have been a faithful fan of Pee-wee Herman for over two decades.  And I have the doll to prove it.


  1. That is so incredible! And I adore Jill. What a fun "only in NYC" night. Love it!

  2. It sounds like you two ladies had a great night! What a fun twitter contest to have won.


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