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Monday, December 27, 2010

More Blizzard of 2010 - Afternoon Sledding Video and Pics

Our morning trip out to enjoy the two-plus feet of snow we got here in Jersey was fun, but a total fail as far as sledding goes. The snow just wouldn't pack. I didn't want to give-up though, so for our afternoon trip out (fortified by hot chocolate and a screening of The Wizard of Oz) I let the girls try sledding down the steps of our patio.

I warned them I could get my Mom-card taken away for such a bad and un-mom-like idea, but they promised not to turn me in. Now, I just need to trust that none of you do, either.

First up, Kay sleds the steps:

And here, her sister Magpie goes for a ride, too:

Update! Ziggy and me on a sled.  So he won't look back one day and ask why he didn't get a turn. (You did. Don't worry, Ziggy, you did. And a cookie, too.)

For those of you who can't possibly be bothered watching videos of kids sled, here are some stills:

Ready to sled!

Sled in hands!

Sledder down!

Look at all this snow!

1, 2, 3... Go!

Finally, Sledding!

Last ride of the afternoon. 'Till tomorrow!


  1. Love the photos! I think my kids would be super jealous of all that snow, even if it wasn't good sledding snow. ;)

  2. How fun! I bet they wish the ride was longer :)
    Thanks for commenting and linking up.

    Dagmar's momsense


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