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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Just when you thought you'd seen it all, I bring you... Menorah-Topped Cars

As regular readers know, this Hanukkah I've chronicled the best and the worst in holiday menorahs, and just about everything in-between.

But I couldn't let Hanukkah 5771 pass without one more commentary on menorahs, and that's the Car Menorah.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's this:

That's right, a menorah you put on top of your car.  The one above is from Hawaii, and the first-ever Menorah Car parade there in 2007.

Now, if you were keeping up with the concept of a Car Menorah, but I lost you with the whole parade idea, let me show you what that looks like. That's right, in cities and towns all over the world there are Car Menorah parades like this one in Philadelphia:

You can view an entire gallery of car menorah parades around the world at yes, you guessed it, CarMenorah.com. You can also buy your own car menorah there, too for just $225 plus tax and shipping.

I can't decide if Menorahs on Cars are in the awful or awesome category, but as everyone I have ever had the pleasure of meeting who is affiliated with Chabad has been so very kind to me, let's just say Menorahs on Cars are.... unique.

What do you think? Do you like to see menorahs on cars?  And while we're on the subject, what about all the vehicles dressed up as reindeer?

This one I found on SillyPenguins.com.

And last, as I was looking around for all the menorah-topped cars, I found a photo of this beautiful ice menorah from Chabad of Midtown Manhattan.  I bet it looks even better with the candles lit.

1 comment:

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