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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm about to have a perfect NYC Day... without my kids!

That's right, as of 9:00 am Wed. morning I am "off the clock" and going to the Big City for a 24-hour furlow while my worldly Parisian friend is in NYC on a layover until Thursday morning when she jets off to Las Vegas (because yes, that's how she rolls).

Other then sleep in on Thursday morning, what should I see/buy/eat/drink on my one-day-and-one-night in the City?

While I'm taking my 24-hour sabbatical, I'll also take a rare break from my online perseverations to enable myself to fully experience the ultimate hackable app. My friend mentioned (gasp!) that she is not even bringing her computer. Of course, I'll be back to share here the full story of what non-mom-like hijinks we get up to.

I can't wait.

Update: My one-day-and-one-night in NYC was terrific, but produced nothing suitable for blog to share. Maybe next time? My friend has a stop-over here on her way back to Paris, too.

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