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Monday, October 11, 2010

Breakfast in Bed

When we were still apartment dwellers in Manhattan, we used to bring the kids breakfast in bed every Sunday morning. I'm not sure how, or why, the tradition started, but once it did we stuck with it.

In true New Yorker style, we ordered breakfast in (complete with coffee for mom) and then I'd put the food on a tray and we'd carry it the twenty feet from the kitchen into their room and they would eat on their beds very ceremoniously.

When we moved to a house in the suburbs, the tradition ceased almost immediately. Mostly, because it just isn't as much fun to actually have to make breakfast (the reality of our new lives - no delivery!) and then transport it up the stairs to their now separate bedrooms. And also partially because I guess I was just over it. But today, looking back at old photographs, this is one family tradition I wish we had kept going a little bit longer.

Maybe this weekend I'll bring them breakfast in bed, but to be honest, probably not.

One tradition I don't miss nearly as much - the days when the kids eating on the table, instead of at the table.

Oh, good times. Any traditions you no longer keep, but wish you did?

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