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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: An Accent Rug and a Bath Mat are not the Same Thing

I asked you to go to the store and get a bath mat for the bathrooom.

This is what you purchased:That is an accent rug, not a bath mat. While admittedly the two are very similar in size, they are in fact very different. The major difference is that an accent rug, like the one you purchased, has a non-waterproof backing. (I'm not even going to mention that the "soft faux fur" description is also usually a tip-off that something is not meant for a bathroom.)

A bath mat has a waterproof, most likely plastic, backing. Though this may seem like a minor detail, it is in fact an essential factor in making a bath mat... a bath mat. This waterproof backing is what enables a bath mat to function in the often damp, even wet, environment of a bathroom.

And yes, even if the area rug is displayed in the bath mat section, it's still not a bath mat.

This is my third instruction in my new series Instructions for My Husband. If you have an instruction you'd like to share, please email me at anna@randomhandprints.com or leave a comment here.


  1. I love this "feature"! You are too funny.

  2. Anna, that is SUPER funny! HA! While I'm with Jill on this one in that I can see how he can get the two confused, I think it's hilarious how cute and clueless men can be at times. Like, really... the faux fur could be a clear indication that it's not meant for the bathroom. LOL.

  3. HAHAHHAHAHAHHA. (sorry, i feel like it's alway so cheesy to add in all those HA's, but it had to be done. you had to know what was going on over on my end.)

    Miss, this is like, a great book. Think about it.

  4. Just before I got engaged, I went off on an Alaskan cruise with my grandmother while my future husband apartment-sat for me. When I returned home, my apartment was in better shape than I had left it. I jumped in the shower to get rid of that horrid airplane smell that permeates your hair and marveled at my sparkling tub as I cleaned my face with my little facial, loofah puff. About halfway through, I gasped and had a horrible thought. What had he used to clean the bathtub??? I stared down at cute little loofah puff. It was looking a bit more worn than it should have. "Hey, what did you use to clean the bathtub?" I screamed from the shower, only to have my worst fears confirmed. And then I screamed for real--the kind you hear in a horror movie. He has never lived that one down.

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