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Friday, May 13, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: Do not put Forrest Gump on the TV and then leave the room.

As we've discussed previously offline, but to my surprise has not yet been formalized here as an instruction, when you leave the TV on and then exit the room and plan to be gone longer then ten minutes, please tell me.

That way I know I can change the channel on the TV. Otherwise, I sit here watching something I have no interest in watching, and you're not even watching it.

Minutes of my precious life pass by when I could be watching Project Runway, True Blood or RHONY instead of Cops or Forrest Gump.

And while we're on the subject of your television viewing habits, I could happily live another three lifetimes without ever seeing again Avatar, Shallow Hal or the one with Tom Hanks on an island. Honestly.

Do your husband's television viewing habits drive you crazy? Does he watch the same shows over and over again, too?

This is my thirteenth post in my ongoing series Instructions for My Husband. And yes, I couldn't be more delighted this thirteenth post is posting on Friday the Thirteenth.


  1. Oh dear. I think I'm guilty of this sometimes. But so is he. Although, for my hubby it's often "This Old House" type when I could be skipping through my DVRd "America's Next Top Model" or "SVU" or "Glee." And he rarely waits too long before changing the channel.

    Funny, funny post! Can't wait to read the rest of the series.

  2. My husband actually hates the shows I watch! He thinks it's mindless television {which is exactly why I watch it.} We have started to compromise on shows and then I watch my mindless tv when he goes to bed.

  3. Do you think our husbands need to be sent to some kind of reform school? I think one class should focus on the men being forced to watch episodes of SATC, Caroline in the City and maybe even Reba and being told, "wait, don't change that, I might come back. Maybe. Hold on. I'm just going to the bathroom. And then to Home Depot. But, don't change it, k?"

  4. You did not seriously just gratuitously cut on "Castaway", did you?

  5. @hammerplayer i did cut on castaway, but don't blame me, blame then. i didn't force anyone to make a movie that not only inflicts silence on me but also some sort of anthropomorphized volleyball.

  6. I found your blog through NaBloPoMo, and I love it! My husband drives me crazy with this one. I'll be at the computer working on something (ie: reading facebook or blogs) and he'll have something on TV in the same room. He'll go into the bedroom to use our bathroom, and then never come back! I'll get up and find he went to bed, without telling me. So I've been half paying attention to a show I never wanted to watch in the first place for no good reason. Would a little "Hey, I'm going to bed, you can change the channel if you want" be so hard?


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