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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: The Fashion Week Edition

In honor of Fashion Week, I'm going to give my beloved husband a sartorial tip: front pleats on pants are no longer fashionable. And even if you wanted to argue a finer point that perhaps there were a few examples where a front pleat was acceptable, they are 100% never allowed on a pair of light khaki pants. Or shorts. Ever.
And while we're at it, you can't wear dark socks with light pants. I'm serious about this. You really can't. Ever.

But don't take my word for it - take everyone else's. Are front pleats in fashion? And what about the light pants/dark socks? If I'm wrong I will (grudgingly) accept it and proclaim my husband the family's new Chief of the Fashion Police!

The nice image above comes from Fashion for Men.  I'm glad they there were able to provide a helpful graphic to help demystify the pleats debate.


  1. I've never been a fan of the front-pleat myself. Too puffy-looking.

  2. My roommate made me burn all my front-pleated slacks when I moved to New York. IN 1995!

  3. definately a bad look unless you're going to work or you're old.

  4. Also, what are you doing letting your man out in light pants in February? Memorial Day is still months away.

  5. Uh, I count myself lucky if he isn't wearing shorts! (With pleats!)

  6. Haha. Hope he takes the advice!!


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