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Saturday, April 23, 2011

In Honor of Easter... A Tale of Bunny Baby Brother

Before Ziggy was born, I told his sisters (then ages three and five) that they could pick out something for him to wear home from the hospital, and maybe also a blanket for him to sleep with... and, sure, maybe a toy or stuffed animal, too. 
My two daughters, who are usually willing to argue over anything at anytime, proceeded to have a quite pleasant conversation indicating that they were both clearly on the same page about what to get for their new baby brother:
Kay: Let's get him a bunny outfit!

Magpie: Yeah, and a hat with bunny ears!
Kay: In brown! So he'll look like Cottontail! (Cottontail is the name of the wild bunny who lives in our yard.)

Magpie: And then we'll leave the baby on the porch, or maybe the yard if it isn't raining, and we'll put a tail on his bunny outfit...

Kay: Will the outfit have a tail?

Magpie: ...and then Cottontail will follow the baby inside the house!

Two years later, I still tease the girls about how they wanted to dress their baby brother up as rabbit-bait.

And two years later, the girls are still mad at me that Baby Ziggy wasn't used to lure that bunny.


  1. At least Kelly and Molly are on the same page.

  2. This is the most hilarious thing I've read in a long time. Your family cracks me up. CALL ME! I want to talk to you before Phillie comes along!

  3. Bunny bait. That is so cute.

  4. Love the dialogue/thought process between your two co-conspirators. Very cute!
    My sis in CT has a large cage o' bunnies that seem to keep multiplying so if you ever want a pet bunny...

  5. The sad thing is I bet it would have been very easy to find a rabbit bait outfit for your baby. Doesn't it seem like every newborn outfit/hat has animal ears on it?

  6. At least they agreed!! Thank you for stopping by our blog. Have a great evening


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