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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Instructions for my husband: You have to wash raspberries before eating them.

Photo from TheRaspberryPatch.com
Actually, you have to wash all fruit before eating it - apples, pears, grapes, and yes, raspberries. Also, blueberries, blackberries, gooseberries, and huckleberries.

You do not have to wash bananas, melons or other fruit with a rind or other similar protective casing. Like a mango, you don't have to wash a mango.

And last, you need to wash raspberries, and other fruit, every single time. Especially when you're feeding it to kids. And extra-especially when you're feeding it to our kids. Seriously. Every f&^ing time.

This is my fourteenth post in my ongoing series Instructions for My Husband.

Misery loves company - if you would like to share an instruction for your husband please email me at anna@randomhandprints.com.


  1. LOL. My husband does the same thing! Drives me nuts! I'll just direct him to this post!

  2. Eventhough we buy strictly organic food, we do wash everything. I learned that you should wash foods with a rind as well because of the bacteria on the outside can get on the inside while slicing...ewww.

    BUT I still let them eat our homegrown orgo raspberries straight from the garden :)

  3. @michelle i love eating stuff straight from the garden too - but we haven't grown raspberries, i bet they are amazing.

    and i am so updating this post that rind fruits have to be washed as well, had no idea, but it makes sense now that i think about it...


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