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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Two Ways of Looking at an Ant

Mom, Magpie asks, can you open the front door for me. It is literally freezing cold out. Sure, uh why? Magpie says: I just gotta let this little guy go, that's all, and she shows me an ant crawling up her arm.

Mom!!!! Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alarmed, I run up the stairs to Kay's room.
What's up little bear?
There is an ANT!!!!!!!!!! On my bed!!!!!!!! Get it! Get it!
I get it with a tissue, and it is gone.
All gone, little pie.
Mom, there was an ant! An ANT!!! On my bed!! Are you SURE it's gone?


  1. Like I always say, Sagittarius niece -- Virgo niece.

  2. It's funny, my daughter is scared of bugs, too....really, really scared. Whereas I've never had that fear. We're alike in so many other ways.

  3. They can be so alarming about things that don't require it. Kids sure know how to get a mom's heart racing!


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