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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Glad I Saw It: My Other Car is an Art Car

This art car was done entirely with Sharpies. Seriously.

Seen at the corner of Chatsworth and Palmer, Larchmont, NY, Nov. 12, 2008.

And yes, I'm glad I saw it.


  1. I love your blog! I saw the same car in town too. Crazy.

  2. Done entirely while on the phone, btw.

  3. Wow! I wonder how long it took!

  4. Impressive. Too bad you didn't stick around to see who the owner is...

  5. How did I miss this? This is EXACTLY a Glad I Saw It. Wonderful!

  6. RandomHandprints12/20/2011 11:04 PM

    Thanks, it was good times when we used to spot the car from time to time.

  7. Ye Gads! That there is one impressive work of art, man. Aside from the size, you have to take into account the shape of the whole car. Making those lines and curves flow together smoothly must have taken a lot of time and work. Do you have sketches of the design you were planning for this art car, by chance?

  8. RandomHandprints3/26/2012 7:06 PM

    Hi Clint, I was lucky enough to spot this beauty on a suburban side street. Unfortunately, I don't know it's story... wish I did.


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