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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Being Thankful

This post is from 2008.

Our little clan had a tropical twist on Thanksgiving this year, with a non-oft vacation to celebrate in Puerto Rico.

On Thanksgiving, right before bed, after eating too much, sunning to much, and swimming way too much, I exclaimed"Hey! We should all say what we're thankful for!"

Mike and I said some boring platitude stuff, Kay added an inspiring "me too" and Magpie stole the show with: "I'm thankful for Hashem for this perfect little sister," and kissed Kay on the head.

Happy Thanksgiving.

What are you grateful for?


  1. That is so cute. Photos, please!

  2. Aw, that is so sweet! Do I have to admit that I hate saying what I'm thankful for at the dinner table on Thanksgiving? (I'm grateful for so much, but for some reason prefer to leave this tradition to the kids!)


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.