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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Life imitating blog

There are times when I wonder if my blog life is impacting my actual real life in ways approaching a reality show (and not in a good way).

Like when my daughter went to a birthday party, and got a really amazing looking iced cookie as her goody bag take-home treat.

I admonished her as she started to open the bag, "Don't eat your cookie until later!" You know, because I am an on-it and together mom who doesn't want her kid eating a cookie right after she had a giant slice of birthday cake.

And my kid, in front of everyone, sneers:

"Why? Because you want to take a photo of it for your blog first?"

Uh no, but now that you mention it...

I mean, c'mon, how awesome is that cookie?

Note: Magpie got to eat the cookie the next day. And for breakfast, no less.

I'm linking-up to the always hilarous and fun Finding the Funny with Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids.

Also, thanks to the Sisterhood of the Sensible Moms for their post 10 Reasons Being a Kid with a Mom Who Blogs Rocks, which inspired me to write this post.

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  1. Yo, where's the picture of the super-scary dinosaur cookie? Do you not even care about your readers any more?

  2. I feel like that too. It seems like my life is dictated by my blog and sometimes I don't mind, but sometimes I really do!

  3. Too funny! Last year I was getting worried that The Ladies would be developing a weird food fetish that meant I had to photograph it before they could eat. I've eased up on the blog a bit this year, but I've missed it too - I've not done as much food-related stuff as last year. It is definitely a struggle to get a good balance!

  4. RandomHandprints3/27/2012 8:26 PM

    oh that elusive balance!

  5. RandomHandprints3/27/2012 8:28 PM

    it really is hard! but i like to think there are some advantages to being the child of a mom who blogs, too.

  6. oh Anna this was hilarious!! Your daughter knows you way too well!!

  7. Ha! Of course you need to take a picture of it for your blog! :)

    Thanks for linking up to #findingthefunny (as usual!)

  8. It would have been a crime not to photograph and share that cookie.

  9. Yes, I have been questioned more than once about whether or not my motives are fueled by the blog. But seriously, I'm glad to see that cookie. How could your daughter even think of denying us that cookie?? Ellen

  10. One of the most clicked links at #findingthefunny. AGAIN! We're featuring you tomorrow! :)

  11. funny! my kids say that to me all the time. "is this gonna end up on your blog?" ummm...yep! everything's game!

  12. Ha! That is so funny! Glad my kids aren't the only ones who say things like that. Thanks for linking this up to #findingthefunny last week!

  13. RandomHandprints4/04/2012 11:41 PM

    i agree! i like to think of it as a "family business"

  14. RandomHandprints4/04/2012 11:42 PM

    yay and thanks. i will be sad when my streak runs out.

  15. RandomHandprints4/04/2012 11:42 PM

    i really only have two motives as a mom - the blog, and stealing my kids sugar-laden baked goods. this really was the perfect intersection of the two.

  16. RandomHandprints4/04/2012 11:43 PM

    Thank you. Someone who understands.


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