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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm a Rotten Egg!

I'm a mom. But I'm also a little sister.

So sometimes, I'm gonna admit, I really love watching my older daughter try to be mean to my younger daughter... just to have the whole thing totally backfire.

In this case I don't think Kay (age 4) was trying reverse-psychology on her sister Magpie (age 6), but that was essentially the result as Kay had no idea what her big sis Magpie was going on, and on about.

Magpie repeatedly keep taunting Kay, "If you don't hurry up, you'll be a rotten egg!"

And Kay replied, with total glee, "I'm a rotten egg! I'm a rotten egg!"

To her, being a rotten egg was the four-year-old equivalent of SQUEE!! With perhaps even a side of awesome-sauce.

Even after many, many exasperated attempts all morning long by Magpie to impress upon Kay that she in fact did not want to be a rotten egg, that being a rotten egg was bad, bad, very bad.... Kay, still, as afternoon approached, continued to sing in a happy voice "I'm a rotten egg! I'm a rotten egg!"

Sorry, Magpie. This is how little sisters get their reputations for being, well, little sisters.

And thank you, Kay, on behalf of little sisters everywhere, for scoring one for us.

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny #33. Visit Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids to see what funny stuff folks are writing about this week.


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.