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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween - What to Give the Trick or Treaters?

Halloween. I've got a scary skull ninja and an adorable scarecrow living at my house. I can't wait for the trick or treating. Last year, I gave out stickers. I don't think we got anyone over the age of four at our apartment house in New York City, so these were a big hit.

I didn't see anything wrong with giving out stickers.

But then the huz came home from work and saw the little bowl of stickers, and said "What? We're the people giving out STICKERS? And no candy? I can't be those people."

He vowed to "make things right" this year. I said, "If you want candy, you need to go get some. I like being the healthy and wholesome house, even if it's the healthy and wholesome, covered with toilet paper, house."

This year we're giving out Play-doh, unless the man of the house gets candy between now and Friday.

What do you think? Is candy the only acceptable offering to the trick-or-treating ghouls and goblins?


  1. Why not just give out brussels sprouts? Or tofu-candy? Or whimsical figures made of straw?

  2. Kelly suggested giving out the (used) strofoam peanuts she pulled off her school project.

    I ask again, what's wrong with playdoh?

  3. And again, playdoh is just as good as sandpaper, power-steering fluid, or wasa crackers.

  4. wasa!! what a good idea. why didn't i think of that? i wonder if they have it in the single serve halloween sizes? readers, please let me know if you've seen it in any of the local stores. thx!

  5. Can-dy! Can-dy! Can-dy!


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