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Friday, July 22, 2011

Do I even know myself at all?

I just tried to retrieve my NYT's online account. Of course I don't remember my user name or password - I never do. But what really stumped me was that I had no idea of the answer to my secret question: What is your favorite book?

I myself was so interested in finding out what is my favorite book that I stumbled around the NYT online account interface until I found the question/answer section... only to find that my answer is not visible other than six little black circles.

So, with that clue, six letters no spaces, can anyone tell me, what is my favorite book?

And more importantly, how can I not know this?

Clue: I already tried Walden. That's not it.


  1. Deenie?

    Too bad "Who Killed My Daughter?" doesn't fit.

  2. @l.e.s.ter great guesses, but no not either of those.

    @Anon and Replay also a good guress, but no dice.

  3. LOL! This happens to me all the time on NYT's site. Good luck!

  4. too, too funny. We all have our identities sprinkled all over the internet, sort of like digital horcruxes (horcruxi?)...And I guess posting a big list of all the ID and "secret questions" sort of defeats the purpose, right? Ask your husband. They often are receptacles of (frequently useless) information like this. And on the other hand, the news in the world is almost all bad, so maybe it's okay not to be reading the paper.


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