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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tooth Fairies and Homeboys

My latest post is up on the NYC Moms Blog, The New and Improved Tooth Fairy. I'm very sad to have to report that at the end of the month the NYC Moms Blog will be no more. Even though I've only written for the site for a brief time, it was great getting to know so many other mommy bloggers online and in the real world. I'll miss all of it.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who left a comment on behalf of Homeboy Industries, in the end there were 34 in all. I feel like I'm getting off easy with just a $34 donation, so I'll happily give a bit more to help Father Greg and his truly inspiring organization. Best of luck Homeboy, I hope you make it.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

End of the School Year Melancholy

The end of the school year always makes me sad in a schmaltzy, sentimental way. Which is hilarious, since I tend to hate everything about my role in the kids schooling. I hate the driving back-n-forth in the ridiculous traffic and pick-up lines. I hate the whole being-on-a-schedule and must-be-on-time thing. I hate making lunch day in and day out. And most of all, I hate having to nag Magpie to do her homework.

But with a mere few days left, it's as if I'm someone else. It's as if I loved everything about school. I can't believe tomorrow is my last Friday Volunteer day in Kay's class. I can't believe Magpie will never, ever bring home another first grade art project. And what I really can't believe is that this fall I will have a Kindergartner and a Second-grader. And a baby another year closer to starting school.

I know this is hardly an original thought, but it is so true, they really do grow-up so fast.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Make a Comment, Make a Difference for Homeboy Industries

I've been thinking a lot lately about what a comment's worth. It seems most people out there are willing to leave one for just the chance of winning something, no matter how small.

I'm not really the giveaway type (though this may change) but I do like the idea of inviting comments. So I thought I'd start a monthly Comments for a Cause. I invite you all to leave a comment here on behalf of Homeboy Industries.
I heard about Homeboy Industries for the first time a few weeks back when the founder, Father Greg Boyle, was being interviewed on NPR. Then I was reminded again when I read the compelling Save Homeboy Industries, by Yvonne Condes on the Los Angeles Moms Blog.
For every comment made on this post by next Sunday, June 20, I'll donate $1 to Homeboy Industries. You can also donate directly to Homeboy Industries or purchase Father Boyle's book, Tattoos on the Heart, all proceeds go to Homeboy Industries.
Thank you everyone for your comments, I hope to get some more before Sunday!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Grateful for helpful sisters

Today, I was not feeling well. I asked Kay, "Please, can you give Ziggy something to play with?"
Ever helpful as all four-year-olds are, Kay replies "Sure, Mom!"

I look over and see this:
Thanks, Kay.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My new favorite blog

The latest Daily Candy email I got linked to Before You Were Hot. It's hilarious. Definitely is going to have the staying power of a Stuff White People Like or a Young Me Now Me.

But the true find is one of the personal blogs it links to: Edamames In a Pod. I honestly couldn't stop laughing at like ten different posts. So Edamame Pod writer whoever you are, if you see someone spent an hour on your blog in your Google stats, that was me.

If your life doesn't have time to read the nearly 1,000 posts on their site, please promise me you'll at least read Day 79.