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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today is one year after the Tragedy in Mumbai

Despite being completely heartbreaking, I find this very inspiring. These are photos of babies named for the Chabad couple who were killed in Mumbai last year.

May their memory be a blessing.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lil' Pumpkins - Halloween Photos of My Kids

Magpie at the pumpkin patch with her uncle a little before her first birthday...

... and five years later.

At the same age, second child Kay of course had to settle for pumpkin headgear instead of a trip to an actual pumpkin patch though she seems happy enough with the substitution:
And here she is just past her fourth birthday:

And that brings us to baby number three, Ziggy. Like Kay, he made no baby trip to the pumpkin patch, but we did bring him back a bitty pumpkin. He was delighted to be remembered.

We gave him his own baby gourd too.

For pics of the girls and pumpkins last year, click here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

R.I.P. John Allen Muhammad

"In its effort to race John Allen Muhammad to his death before his appeals could be pursued, the state of Virginia will execute a severely mentally ill man who also suffered from Gulf War Syndrome the day before Veterans Day."
John Allen Muhammad, December 31, 1960 - November 10, 2009.
