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Sunday, August 30, 2009

The last day of our NYC vacation

We spent a fantastic week in NYC this summer, an urban vacay while we awaited the little one's arrival. He came an entire week and two false alarms later, but hey, I'm not one for keeping track.

Our last day in the City we took the girls to one of their favorite destinations, The American Girl Place, for tea and a present of their choice - which was a gift from the baby. Magpie choose to get a new doll, Rebecca, and Kay also choose to get a new doll, Josephina.

Everyone was happy.

Thanks, Ziggy.  You weren't even born yet and already you are the best brother a girl could ever have.

Being the Animals at the Central Park Zoo

Pre-Ziggy, pregnant as can be, I took the girls to the Central Park Zoo. It was 95 degrees, and though it could just have easily gone the other way, we all had a really, really fun day.

Ziggy "I heart the Phillies" Cole Comes Home!

Ziggy's just a few days old, but already his big sisters love to speak for their baby brother, "Mom, Mom? The baby totally wants to watch TV."

Or, "Mom, Mom he really wants to go outside. To the playground. Now."

Ziggy likes to sleep, but not at night.

Ziggy likes to sleep, but not in his crib. No, he likes to sleep in his car seat from our friend S.

With his stuffed Stegosaurus.

Ziggy likes the latest fashions:

... and his baseball shoes!